
An article of Lilly Allen

In the Newspaper called Catalonia Today I read an article about Lilly Allen, a singer.

Before have an album out, Lilly Allen uploaded her songs in myspace (a social networking site) and had been played close to half million times. Her music is influenced by ska, reggae and calypso. When she did a concert in Barcelona people could see she is a rash and confident young woman.

New words
- Sharp: agut.
- Witty: divertit.
- Live up: demostrar.

Organ donor sheme

Spain has a very high number of organ donors, more than other European countries. It is dues to the fact that there are people that work on liaise the people and also, because you are always able to change your opinion if you said that you wanted it.
In Spain the views of relatives are respected, in Austria they ignore it and in Britain you must carry a card to indicate your desire to donate. In UK, to be a donor you have to register with the NHS Organ donor register that have a database shared between European countries. In Spain you can sing up with the ONT, but this only informe relatives of your wishes.

Thirteen VS Adrian Mole

Well, I'm going to compare the differences and similarities between the film Thirteen and The Diary of Adrian Mole.

Both stories are about two adolescents that have some problems that come more diffucult.
Adrian and Tracy, the principal characters, are victims of bulling at school: a classmate's Adrian hits him, and Tracy is criticazed by some girls in the high school.
Their parents have problems with alcohol and drugs, so there are a bad athmposhere in their houses.
They both have thirteen years old; they start to drink alcohol and, in Tracy's case, she start to smoke.In the end, both stories finished without problems.

Adrian is more infantile than Tracy; she's got a bad influence, Evie who takes Tracy in the world of drugs, smoke, alcohol, sex, etc.
Adrian isn't a bad boy, he helps an old man and tries to get his own money working as newspaper's assessor, however Tracy still money to buy somethings.T
racy doesn't feel well with herself, and cut her arm.
Tracy's mother tries to help her daughter and finally all problems solved.These are some elements of the differences and the similitaries of these stories.

Thirteen's film is more shoking than Adrians Mole's story, also because a film always is different than a reading story, so a reading story you can imagine the way that you want.This topic is frequent actualy, I don't know anything like these characters, but I think that it's happen to a lot of adolescents.