My first e-mail
I stayed ther for four days and during my stay I went to Port Aventura. We had a ticket with a discount and we had to use it!
Another day, we went to Tarragona to visit the city, but we weren't so lucky because this day it was raining! But it wasn't a problem for us.
The holidays weren't very long, but they were so special!
We have almost learnt to respect our world. Do you agree?
The new technology and the science are trying to do something to solve this serious problem but these solutions aren’t doing any effects. It’s useless that some people to respect the environment if others do what they desire; respect the environment is a thing that everybody has to participate.

Also, to help to improve the environment world, recycling and using public transports are very important points because are, perhaps, the principal pollutant aspects.
In conclusion, we have to do something to improve the pollution of the environment. The problem is that if we don’t actuate now, maybe we will be too late to solve the problem.
Last oral presentation
The credit crisis began in 2007 because of a system of mortgages, established in The United States.
The American banks granted mortgages of high risk to people who couldn’t pay them safely. These mortgages, called 'subprime', were grouped as packages of financial products that were bought by investors from the whole world. These packages have provoked distrust and they have poisoned the financial world system, provoking a strong climate of distrust between the banks. Spain, as the rest of the world, realises that has this crisis on having more difficulties in giving loans to the companies and homes.
A part from the mortgages services, there’re other significant factors of the crisis, as the high prices of the raw materials, the over appraisement of the product, a food world crisis and a high inflation of the products.
One of the principal consequences of this crash on the Spanish economy is a strong growth of the unemployment, with nowadays, almost 4 million unemployed people. The construction’s sector is one of most harmed by the crisis because of the estate “boom”.
The effects of the economic crisis also have had a strong impact in the financial Spanish system. The bad conduct of the companies and the autonomous have led to the intervention of some financial institutions on the part of the State. The cause of the raise of the prices is the price of the oil, doubled in one year by the raise of the raw materials.
This situation, added to the increase of the prices of the food, has provoked a lot of problems that they’ve revolutionized all the country, as the important demonstrations of the transporters and the fishermen.
The raise of prices has provoked the downfall of the consumption. It supposes that there isn’t growth of the Spanish economy and with it the loss of thousands of companies, principally PIME companies, and working places.
Also, an important sector that also has very affected has been the stock exchange. People who was inverting in it, have lost a lot of money because of the bankrupt companies.
The crisis also has concerned the confidence between the banks. The problems in the markets have arisen for the distrust of the banks to lending money between them, because they don’t know if they will return the lend money and also they’re afraid that they’re exposed to the problems of the mortgages of high risk of The United States.
The government has adopt some measures to fight against this crash.
The Plan E constitutes an effort without precedents of support to the companies and, very specially, to the small companies. First, they will give a total amount of 17.000 million Euros and, secondly, were destinated 29.000 million Euros to facilitate the access to the credit of the companies.
The economic crisis, principally for the downfall of the sector of the construction, is specially intense in the unemployment. So, the Plan E introduces direct measures of impulse to the creation of employment, financing 11.000 million Euros with what 300.000 employments were recovering in the whole country. This one is one of the most important measures, because the unemployment is the factor that worries more in Spain.
Finally, I would say that it isn’t so clear, how the financial Spanish system will be able to confront the losses that it will present in the next years.The measures that the government adopts are not bad, but the problem is that the money that it finances to the banks does not solve the crisis because these banks do not want to give money to the people who need it. For this reason the economy is stuck and, although many politicians say that the crisis will be finished in the next year, is unlikely because, theoretically, the crisis had to finish this year.
Presentation; Did you use any resources? Yes, I used a PowerPoint with some pictures and graphics.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, I think that they were, because I tried to use some pictures that were demonstrating clearly about what I were speaking, and in this way, to make the comprehension easier.
Body language and eye contact; Did you look at your audience most of the time? Yes, I did but a lot of time I looked a lot the screen and my notes.
Did you read from your notes? Yes, it helped me to follow the PowerPoint.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Well, not much but when I speak, always I move a lot my hands.
Structure; Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? With these types of presentations you must order the information but not with their importance; there aren't any idea more important than other, apart of, for example, the situation of the country.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Yes, I did discourse makers are a lot important.
Content; Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, I did. I think that all of the new information about any country is interesting.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Yes, I did. The most information that I gave, was in an Encyclopedia and in Internet also.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? I think the information was more superficial. I tried to show the most important information about the crisis, because if I did it more detailed my Presentation would be longer.
Language; Did you check your grammar? Yes I did. But is difficult didn’t do any mistake when you speak.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? I was looking up a lot the dictionary and I check a lot the different information extract from the Internet.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, I did.
Did you use fillers? Sometimes, but not at all.
Pronunciation & Intonation; Did you know how to pronounce all your words? No, I didn't, but I try to look for all words pronounces.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes with some classmates.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? I try it, but it’s too difficult when you're nervous!
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? At the beginning I speak too slowly and I break sometimes with interruptions the presentation, but later I can follow better my presentation.
Self evaluation; What mark did you get according to you? Well, I spent a lot of hours preparing my oral presentation however I did some mistakes; in my opinion an 8 is a good mark for me.11.5.09
The Nanny Diaries

Annie Braddock, a university young woman, is obliged to obtain a work as babysitter, after a refusal from a company. This way, she finishes taking charge of 4-year-old spoiled son of a well-off family of the Upper East Side, called Mr. and Mrs. X, of
Annie will have to learn to move in her smallest and poor room inside the luxurious flat from Family X and also she has to learn how to control Grayer, because at the beginning, Grayer hates her.
Later on, Annie meets a handsome boy who lives in that flat; little by little, they will be confident.
During her stay, Annie starts to be controlled by Mrs. X and she starts to feel bad and worried about Grayer.
We couldn't see the whole film, but its starts to be really interesting!
- Ensconced: instal·lat.
- To juggle: fer jocs malabars.
- Spoiled: fer malbé.
Learning English on the phone

A company Phone of Barcelona is now offering to English language students a service whereby clients choose a date and time to be rung up for a conversation of their choosing in English.
New words
- Whereby: per el qual.
- Comprising: comprensió.
extract from: http://www.thinkspain.com/
Salamanca private documents return to Catalonia
New words
- Campaigned: fer campanya
- Amid: entre
extract from: http://www.cataloniatoday.com/
Informal letter
What about you? I’ve just receive your letter, and I’m so happy that you’ll come soon!
I’ve a lot of thing to show you; I know you want meet with my whole family. Unfortunately it won’t be possible because they’ll set off tomorrow to Germany, but don’t worry about that; we’ll spend a lot of time visiting great things.
Yesterday I came across Josep and I told him that you come; he became remains paralyzed because he doesn’t waited your visited.
He wants to pass the time with us when you come, he says that he has to explain and show you many places.
In your visit, firstly I’ll show you the Museum of Dalí, I’m sure that you’ll fascinate with that pictures because you’re charmed with the surrealism!
If you desire also we can walk along the beach. We won’t be able to bathe, the water must be frozen! But always it’s OK to walk a little bit and this way we’ll be able to relax and to speak about our things.
In the evening we’ll go to a PUB that I found out the other day in Girona. We must go with Josep’s car because my car broke down…
Well, the other part of the visit I’ll tell you later. I have to leave now!
See you, Jane!
Kisses! XXX
Formal dialogue

(toc, toc)
- Come in, please
- Hello.
- Good morning, you’re Ms Brown, aren’t you?
- Yes, I’m coming to apply for the job as an au pair in Canada.
- Right, please take a seat. I’m pleased that you could come. You said you’re interested in working as an au pair. First of all, how old are you?
- I’m nineteen, and I’m going to be twenty in two weeks.
- And what called your attention about this offer?
- Well, I came across an advertisement in the newspaper, and since then I was sure that I would like to try it.
- So, this means you have never made experiences in this sort of job, haven’t you?
- Not at all, but I worked in something that has to do with it; I’ve been looking after three children from my neighbours during half a year.
- And why do you think would you enjoy being an au pair?
- That’s an interesting question. Of course I love children and I like doing everything for them. And I wouldn’t mind doing some housework as well. Furthermore I would like to start becoming independent and try to manage things on my own. I also realise the opportunity to live in another country and meet new people; I’ve always looked up to people who dare going abroad for working.
- These are good reasons, in fact. And do you think you would be able to cope with the French language?
- Yes, I suppose so. I’ve been studying French for four years, so I believe this wouldn’t be any problem.
- This is an important point, because children are always more confident with someone who speaks their language. And everything is easier with the family. Oh, and another significant question: do you smoke?
- I used to smoke for two years, then I cut down on the amount of daily cigarettes and I succeeded giving it up completely a month ago.
- Ok, I think that is all. I’m going to look through your documents again and we will give you a call when we have the decision. If we take you on, you can start this summer.
- Thank you for everything. I look forward to hear from you again, and I would be really grateful if you gave me this opportunity.
- Just be optimistic, I think you have good virtues to be an au pair.
- Thanks again, and good bye.
- Good bye Ms Brown.
Discussion Essay

Firstly, the whole celebrities have the work that they want, and also they have a high salary and its allows them to enjoy many luxuries and to have a life very accommodated.
On the other hand, they haven't privacy; the media are awaiting all of their movements.
Definetly, being a celebritiy isn't something so good, because everyone likes to have a private life and maybe this is better than not being very rich and have a normal life.
Second Oral Presentation
The Republic of Malta is an insular country that belongs to the Commonwealth and it’s composed by an archipelago located in the center of the Mediterranean, to the south of Sicily. From 1964, Malta is independent and in 2004 it joins to the European Union. In 2008 Malta receive Euro as unique money.The capital and principal port is La Valletta with a population of 7.173 habitants. Its official languages are Maltese and English, but a part important of the population are capable to understand and speak Italian. For a lot of years the use of this language has had a big extension but later it decreased because of the English influence.
The origin of “Malta” word is uncertain. The most accepted etymology is that it comes from the Greek word “meli”, that it means honey.
The Maltese archipelago is located in the limit of the African Plate, near of the Euro-Asian one. They are composed by islands of Malta Gozo and Comino.On its coasts there is a great quantity of bays that provide good ports. Also there are other smaller islands for example Fifla, Cominotto and San Pablo.
The area is characterized by its low hills and a lot of fields of.The highest point is the Ta'Dmejrek mount in the island of Malta.Although during the epoch of rains formed some creeks, in Malta there aren’t rivers or lakes.
The local climate is moderated Mediterranean with rainy winters and (~14 °C) dry and hot summers (~25 °C). In fact, there are only two stations, which attract many tourists, especially during the summer months.
History. About 1000 years b.C. the islands turned into a Phoenician colony. In 736 B.C. they were occupied by the Greeks, who called the colony Melita; before this Malta was under control of Carthage and after Rome. Malta belonged to the Empire of East with the division of the Roman Empire in 395 a.C. The Arabs occupied the islands in 870, which were snatched by Normans in the year 1090, and later Malta passed to be a fief of the kingdom of Sicily. In 1530 Carlos I, emperor of the Sacred Empire , gave Malta to a Knights of San Juan of Jerusalem who governed the islands since the 19th century. After an insistent pursuit of the Turks without results, the knights protected La Valletta, and its turned into an important square of the whole Mediterranean.
Establishment of the British mandate. In 1798, during the Egyptian campaign of Malta, Napoleon Bonaparte occupied the islands. Although, the Malteses ask for help to Great Britain and in 1799 the British sailor Nelson completed the expulsion of the Frenchmen. In accordance with the conditions of the Treaty of Paris of 1814, Malta passed to form a part of the British Empire as colony.
In 1921, as remuneration for the help given to Great Britain during the I World war, Malta obtains a Constitution that was allowing the formation of a locally Parliament. But in 1936, because of the increase of the Italian influence, Great Britain suppressed the Constitution.
Independence of Malta. On 1st of November in 1961, Malta obtained the self-government.
In the campaign for the first elections, the Labourites asked for the independence of the State without thinking about the Commonwealth. The Nationalists also was asking for the independence without going out of the organization and they won the elections. George Borg Olivier turned into prime minister.
On 21st of September in 1964 Malta proclaimed its independence and on 1st of December turned into a member of the United Nations.
Culture, Religion and Gastronomy. In Malta there is the Mediterranean culture, even the hundred fifty years of British control have left an influence: it isn’t difficult to find traditional English meals, as sausages with mash of potatoes.
The Catholic Church acts as guardian of the national traditions, and their temples are the biggest historical buildings in the majority of the villages. The Malteses spend the half of the year celebrating parties in honour of their Saints, filling the streets of confetti and eating candyfloss. Although the influence of the Catholicism is decreasing, the daily life of the majority of the Malteses is ruled by their values. The divorce and the abortion are illegal, but the new generations are trying to abolish those laws.
Malta is famous for the quality of their handcrafted products, especially, the blown glass and the silver products. The music folkloric demonstrate a great influence in its culture, and annually there is celebrated a contest of traditional songs.
In Malta kitchen predominates the Sicilian influence, even the popularity of the grilled chops and the roasted meat with vegetables reveals a weakness for the British food. The local specialities include pastizzi (a few tasty small pies of cheese), timpana (cake of macaroni, cheese and eggs) and fenek (rabbit).
Population and Govern. The Malteses are especially Catholics and speak a language that has a vocabulary similar to the Arab, although its alphabet and grammatical structure derive from the Latin.
The education is free and obligatory between 5 and 15 years. The University of Malta is located in Msida; in 1991 its had 2.500 students.
According with the terms of the Constitution of 1964, Malta is a constitutional republic. The leader of the State is the president chosen by the Parliament to govern for five years. The legislative authority resides in the Representatives' Chamber, composed by 65 members chosen for five years by universal suffrage. The government is directed by a prime minister chosen by the president of between the members of the Parliament, and he is responsible in the legislative power.
Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes? I think that the language and the structre were quite well because I prepared a lot. I did some grammar mistakes and at the beginning I repeated the same word two or three times: "If you speak English.[...]you...[...] If you...". Also, I said others mistakes because of the nervous.
Presentation; Did you use any resources? Yes, I used a PowerPoint with some pictures and maps.
Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, I think that they were, because I tried to use some pictures that were demonstrating clearly about what I were speaking, and in this way, to make the comprehension easier.
Body language and eye contact; Did you look at your audience most of the time? Yes, I did but a lot of time I looked a lot the screen and my notes.
Did you read from your notes? Yes, it helped me to follow the PowerPoint.
Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Well, not much but when I speak, always I move a lot my hands.
Structure; Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? With these types of presentations you must order the information but not with their importance; there aren't any idea more important than other, apart of, for example, the situation of the country.
Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Yes, I did discourse makers are a lot important.
Content; Did you introduce interesting, new information to your audience? Yes, I did. I think that all of the new information about any country is interesting.
Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books...? Yes, I did. The most information that I gave, was in an Encyclopedia and in Internet also.
Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? I think the information was more superficial. I tried to show the most important information about the country because the audience has had a global vision about Malta.
Language; Did you check your grammar? Yes I did. But is difficult didn’t do any mistake when you speak.
Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? I was looking up a lot the dictionary and I check a lot the different information extract from the Internet.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes, I did.
Did you use fillers? Sometimes, but not at all.
Pronunciation & Intonation; Did you know how to pronounce all your words? No, I didn't, but I try to look for all words pronounces.
Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes with some classmates.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? I try it, but it’s too difficult when you're nervous!
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? At the beginning I speak too slowly and I break sometimes with interruptions the presentation, but later I can follow better my presentation.
Self evaluation; What mark did you get according to you? Well, I spent a lot of hours preparing my oral presentation however I did some mistakes and I've had nervous and perhaps it during too much but, a 7 or 8 I think is a good mark for me.