
Ice Age 2

The ice age is coming to its end, and the animals are enjoying their new world: a paradise of water parks, geysers and pits of tar.
But when Manny, Sid and Diego discover that the miles of ice that is melting will flood their great valley, they must warn the whole world of the risk that there is and the need to find a solution to run away from immediate flood.

We could only watch the beginning of the film, but we laughed a lot; it's a funny film.

New words

- Sloth: Mandra
- Tusk: Ullal
- Blind Folds: Amb els ulls tapats
- Doomsday: L'últim dia


Description of a Landscape

In this picture I can see the church of Verona, a river, a few trees and in the background some mountains.
The church looks big and so beautiful. The dome is green-grey and it is very high. The roof is red and it’s lower than the dome.

Around the church there is a big garden with some fir trees and a Cyprus tree.
The mountains that we can see on the right hand side aren’t covered in snow: there are a lot of green trees.
You can’t see the river very well, but it is wide and so long.

When I see the picture I feel that I'm in the gardens of Verona, and we can imagine that the wind and the sun touches our faces and it’s a sensation of peace and quietness. At the same time we can hear the water of the river that is running slowly.

Now, you're at night with the full moon over your head and the sky full of bright stars; you start to walk around these gardens and you can feel that sensation of relax, peace and love. Later, you decided to stretch on the grass and look at these stars; in that moment you only know that you'd like to be there forever.


Missing airport dog found

Mr Coego, a 46-year-old builder from Santiago de Compostela, moved into Barajas airport last Wednesday to search for his pet, which was lost by Iberia staff on December 12th as it was being transferred from a flight from the Canary Islands to the Galician capital.
Trus, the missing dog, has been reunited with his owner, Manuel García Coego, after being found in Barajas town at 7pm on December 20 evening.

New words
Sprang: saltar
Distraught: espantat, trasbalsat
Betrayal: traïció

extract from http://www.newspaperindex.com/

Spanish women do three times as much housework

According to a recent study undertaken by the Savings Banks Foundation (FUNCAS), Spanish and Italian men do less housework than other European people, especially countries like Sweden, Norway and the UK where the household share out between the sexes.

The report called "Spanish family life: Analysis and Reflections from a Sociological and Economic Perspective", indicates that, on average, Spanish women spend more than four and half hours each day cooking an cleaning, more than three times as much as their menfolk.

New words
Household: llar
Share out: compatir
Average: mitjana

extract from http://edition.cnn.com

Opinion of this new article
This article talks about the housework.
Actually, this topic is so important; a few years ago, it was only the women who did the housework and the men who went to work outside. Nowadays, as women as men work outside and for this reason, they must share out their housework. I think that is unbelievable that in Spain, a developed country, the women do more than three times as much as their men folk. Also, Spain isn’t the only developed country where the women do more housework, there’re more countries that this happen; sharing out the housework is so important because is an important living together thing. So, the men must give more of their part and the women must be imposed.

Intellectuals question Gaudí cathedral completion plans

The Sagrada Familia is now hanging in the balance after an influential group of intellectuals (inculding the director of Reina Sofia Art Musuem in Madrid). They say that the ideas of Antoni Gaudí who designed the masterpiece haven't been followed.

When Gaudí died in 1926, some anarchists tried to destroy the plans during the Spanish Civil War.

New words
Masterpiece: Obra mestra
Fate: Destinació
Midst: Mitjà

extract from http://www.thinkspain.com

Formal letter

Cónsol Street nº15
17486, Castelló d'Empúries
Spain (Girona)

Ms. Pintó
Rentador Street s/n
17486, Castelló d'Empúries
Spain (Girona)

9th December 2008

Dear Ms Pintó,

I would like tell you about the High school. There are some things that I like and others I dislike.
I will start by telling you the good points, for example, the good organization and good teachers, in general.
Secondly, I congratulate you on the technology of the centre. I think that technology has improved during these last years and is a good aspect, because the technology is the future of our society.

Now, I want to complain about some things that displease me. The first thing that I want complains are the excursions. For us, excursions are a good method to learn because they are a practical class and the students enjoy and want learns more, and there aren't enough from excursions.
Finally I would say that the High school seems so sad; apart Christmas' holidays, the High school is always grey and it hasn't any more colours and for the students it isn't really nice and motivating. I hope this writing won't be annoying for you.

Yours faithfully,

Ariadna Julià Brunet


About my portfolio

Observation about my portfolio, 1st term

I'm going to make an observation of my portfolio in this 1rst term.

Well, as it's the first time that I've done a portfolio at the first moment I thought that I couldn't do it because I didn't know how to do it neither how about it. But with information that my english teacher and my classmates gave me slowly, I could do my English portfolio.

I could improve my level of English, especially, with the summary of news and films, because there was a lot of new vocabulary that I didn't know.
Also, with the orals presentations we can improve our level of English because we must look for information about our topic and we've to know how to pronounce all English words.

So, this is my evaluation about my portfolio in this 1st term;)




The life is beautiful

Guido (Roberto Benigni), a young Italian Jew, arrives in Arezzo where he opens a bookshop.
Guido is a romantic and nice person specially when he flirts with Dora (Italian, not Jewish; Nicoletta Braschi).
A few years later, Guido and Dora have a son, Joshua.

In the second half, Guido, Guido's uncle Eliseo, and Joshua are taken to a concentration camp on Joshua's birthday. Dora wants to go with her family to the concentration camp. Guido hides Joshua from the Nazi guards and gives him food.
Guido convinces his son that the camp is just a game; a game who gets 1000 points wins a tank, He tells Joshua that if he cry, he lose poits, while quite boys who hide from the camp guards earn points.

Guido maintains this story right until the end, when he tells his son to stay in a metal box until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. After trying to find Dora, Guido is caught, taken away, and is shot to death by a Nazi guard.
Joshua survives and thinks he has won the game when an American tank arrives to liberate the camp, and he returned with his mother.

The end is so emotional and sad but the argument is so well.
For me, is the best film that I've ever seen.


Well, I’m going to tell you about the relationship between the character and the image, related with Thirteen’s film and The Diary of Adrian Mole, so the character what makes a person just has he is.
People’s character is the first element of their image.
The way that we behave, treat and present to other people, talk about us. Having character is to be faithful to your principles.
It isn’t the clothes you wear, or your shoes or the way you walk to be fashionable the principal element of the image, is what you take inside you that it makes you different. I
It would surprise you about the relationship between the way people are (character) and the way the people demonstrate to others.
The principle, that defines our character and controls our lives, reflects in the way that we behave, what we wear and how we comb our hair.
Having character is the art to learning to control our emotional states and maintain temperamental stability, not with the circumstances, but the way you live day by day inside you. Having a character is doing what you want, and having your own opinion.
You have your own thoughts and you shouldn’t be influenced by someone. It isn’t the clothes you wear that make you important, but the way you are. In this way we can see the close relationship between the character and the image.
We live in an age where the image is very important; the world is visual where the principal thing is the consumerism. The character is more important than the image, so your face normally talks for you. The way we talk, we walk and we smile answers for us. Before worrying about your image try to have a good character.
So, I’ve just finished and if you have any questions, or you’ll give your own opinion, you can say it.

Protest in Bangkok

Thousands of travellers have been aground since anti-government groups took over two airports last week.

Bangkok are distribuiting a total of 88 planes to be flown out to other Thai airports, where it is hoped they can evacuate some of the blockaded tourists.
The crisis has economically damaged the country since it intensified last week.

Thailand’s deputy premier for economic affairs is reported to be meeting high figures in commerce, industry and tourism today to discuss the damage being done.
As the bloked of aground foreigners grows every day, foreign embassies are beside themselves with frustration, at Bangkok airport.


An article of Lilly Allen

In the Newspaper called Catalonia Today I read an article about Lilly Allen, a singer.

Before have an album out, Lilly Allen uploaded her songs in myspace (a social networking site) and had been played close to half million times. Her music is influenced by ska, reggae and calypso. When she did a concert in Barcelona people could see she is a rash and confident young woman.

New words
- Sharp: agut.
- Witty: divertit.
- Live up: demostrar.

Organ donor sheme

Spain has a very high number of organ donors, more than other European countries. It is dues to the fact that there are people that work on liaise the people and also, because you are always able to change your opinion if you said that you wanted it.
In Spain the views of relatives are respected, in Austria they ignore it and in Britain you must carry a card to indicate your desire to donate. In UK, to be a donor you have to register with the NHS Organ donor register that have a database shared between European countries. In Spain you can sing up with the ONT, but this only informe relatives of your wishes.

Thirteen VS Adrian Mole

Well, I'm going to compare the differences and similarities between the film Thirteen and The Diary of Adrian Mole.

Both stories are about two adolescents that have some problems that come more diffucult.
Adrian and Tracy, the principal characters, are victims of bulling at school: a classmate's Adrian hits him, and Tracy is criticazed by some girls in the high school.
Their parents have problems with alcohol and drugs, so there are a bad athmposhere in their houses.
They both have thirteen years old; they start to drink alcohol and, in Tracy's case, she start to smoke.In the end, both stories finished without problems.

Adrian is more infantile than Tracy; she's got a bad influence, Evie who takes Tracy in the world of drugs, smoke, alcohol, sex, etc.
Adrian isn't a bad boy, he helps an old man and tries to get his own money working as newspaper's assessor, however Tracy still money to buy somethings.T
racy doesn't feel well with herself, and cut her arm.
Tracy's mother tries to help her daughter and finally all problems solved.These are some elements of the differences and the similitaries of these stories.

Thirteen's film is more shoking than Adrians Mole's story, also because a film always is different than a reading story, so a reading story you can imagine the way that you want.This topic is frequent actualy, I don't know anything like these characters, but I think that it's happen to a lot of adolescents.


An horror story

··The terrible nanny

A few years ago, there was a house and a boy, John her mum Mary and the nanny, Samy lived there.

John was a good boy but he was very quiet, because his nnany never let him told or wathc TV or listen to the radio. The nanny hated children. Samy told the boy that if he didn't take notice of her, she would kill his mum.

When Mary was in her house Samy looked after John very much but when she wasn't there, Samy started to hit him without any excuse and she made him word until John couldn't do anything and she hit him again and made him work more.

Then, John was tired and furious with Samy and he made mistake to tell this to his mum.
Mary didn't belived him, so she talked to the nanny. Samy denied everthing and Mary belived her.
When Mary went out, the nanny followed John and she killed him with a knife. Samy was very nervous and she hid the boy in the garage and went out of the house.

Later Mary came to her house and she couldn't find her soon.
She looked for the boy in the garage. There was a lot of blood. The boy was dead.
Then, Mary fainted.

At the morning Mary woke up, and went to the bedroom of John. John was alive!
It was a drem. Everything was a dream.
So, she decided to move out of her house and never see the nanny again.