
Spanish women do three times as much housework

According to a recent study undertaken by the Savings Banks Foundation (FUNCAS), Spanish and Italian men do less housework than other European people, especially countries like Sweden, Norway and the UK where the household share out between the sexes.

The report called "Spanish family life: Analysis and Reflections from a Sociological and Economic Perspective", indicates that, on average, Spanish women spend more than four and half hours each day cooking an cleaning, more than three times as much as their menfolk.

New words
Household: llar
Share out: compatir
Average: mitjana

extract from http://edition.cnn.com

Opinion of this new article
This article talks about the housework.
Actually, this topic is so important; a few years ago, it was only the women who did the housework and the men who went to work outside. Nowadays, as women as men work outside and for this reason, they must share out their housework. I think that is unbelievable that in Spain, a developed country, the women do more than three times as much as their men folk. Also, Spain isn’t the only developed country where the women do more housework, there’re more countries that this happen; sharing out the housework is so important because is an important living together thing. So, the men must give more of their part and the women must be imposed.

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